A Guide for Loved Ones: How to Offer True Support During a Panic Attack

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Being a pillar of support for someone experiencing a panic attack requires understanding, patience, and a genuine willingness to help in a moment of intense vulnerability. This blog post aims to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to be effectively present for your loved ones during these challenging times. We will explore practical ways to offer support, backed by insightful statistics, facts, and heartfelt personal experiences.

Recognizing the Signs

First and foremost, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of a panic attack. These can include:

  • Rapid heartbeat or palpitations
  • Sweating and trembling
  • Shortness of breath or a feeling of being smothered
  • A sense of impending doom or loss of control

How You Can Help

Here’s how you can offer support to someone during a panic attack:

  • Stay Calm: Your calmness can be contagious. Try to remain composed and reassuring.
  • Be Present: Simply being there can make a significant difference. Offer your presence in a non-overbearing way.
  • Listen Actively: If they wish to talk, listen empathetically. Acknowledge their feelings without judgment.
  • Encourage Slow Breathing: Guide them to breathe slowly and deeply, which can help mitigate the intensity of the panic attack.
  • Avoid Dismissal: Statements like “Just relax” can seem dismissive. Acknowledge the realness of their experience.

Personal Experiences

  • Alex’s Support System: Alex recounts how their partner’s understanding and readiness to just quietly be there has been a game-changer. “During a panic attack, my partner’s gentle reassurance, not through words but through action—like a calm presence or a hand to hold—made me feel less alone.”
  • Maria’s Journey: Maria shares how her friend’s willingness to learn and understand what panic attacks entail helped significantly. “My friend took the time to learn about what I go through. Knowing that she’s trying to understand means the world to me.”

Importance of Ongoing Support

Support shouldn’t stop once the panic attack subsides. Continuous support, through actions like:

  • Encouraging them to seek professional help if they haven’t already.
  • Checking in on them regularly.
  • Learning together about coping strategies and mechanisms.

Takeaway Message

Supporting a loved one through a panic attack is a profound act of kindness. It’s about offering a safe space for vulnerability, understanding their experience without judgment, and showing that you’re there for them, not just in words but through meaningful actions. Remember, your support can make a world of difference in their road to recovery and coping.

Your empathy, patience, and willingness to be there for them in their moments of crisis can not only help alleviate the intensity of the moment but also strengthen your relationship, fostering a deeper sense of trust and mutual respect. Together, through open communication and a supportive approach, navigating the path to managing panic attacks can become a shared journey towards healing and resilience.



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Silvia Araya has over 15 years of expertise in Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Trauma and numerology.

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Download the free ebook! Silvia Araya’s Comprehensive Manual on Conquering Anxiety and Embracing Life”