5 Ways Chronic Worrying from Trauma Weighs on Your Spirit

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Life after trauma can seem like a battle we never wanted to fight, the memories lingering and carving invisible scars. For many survivors, anxiety becomes a companion, an unwelcome yet persistent shadow that colors every day with shades of worry and doubt. Whether your trauma is recent or rooted in the past, the impacts of chronic worrying are vast, affecting everything from our physical health to our relationships. But with knowledge comes empowerment, and understanding the variegated ways that chronic worrying influences our lives is the first step towards reclaiming control and finding peace within the storm.

1. The Tax on Physical Health

Our bodies are not indifferent spectators to the mental turmoil anxiety brings. Chronic worrying can manifest in various physical symptoms, each serving as a reminder of our inner disquiet. • Muscle Tension and Pain: The perpetual state of ‘flight or fight’ that anxiety maintains can leave muscles perpetually taut, leading to pain and chronic conditions like tension headaches. • Gastrointestinal Distress: Stress is no friend to a balanced digestive system, often leading to an array of issues, from upset stomachs to more severe conditions. • Cardiovascular Impact: The cardiovascular system isn’t spared either, with anxiety potentially contributing to elevated heart rates, blood pressure, and an increased risk of cardiac events.

A Gentle Focus on Self-Care

Understanding the physical toll of anxiety is a clarion call for comprehensive self-care. From regular exercise and stretching to mindful eating and deliberate relaxation techniques, each is a step towards soothing our somatic distresses.

2. The Elusive Escape from Panic

There’s a unique kind of helplessness that accompanies panic. When triggered, it feels as if there’s no place to hide, no heart to beat beside our own frenetic rhythms. • Unpredictability: One of the most terrifying aspects of panic is its suddenness, striking without warning and leaving the sufferer feeling exposed and fragile. • Social Isolation: The unpredictability can lead to avoidance of social situations for fear of experiencing an episode in front of others, eroding our confidence and social interactions. • Fear of the Next Attack: The persistent fear of when the next panic attack might occur can create a cycle of anticipatory anxiety, a form of chronic worrying in and of itself.

Crafting Safe Spaces

Developing a practice of grounding techniques and carrying a ‘panic attack kit’ can provide a sense of control amid the chaos. This toolkit could include soothing music, comfort items, or even just a list of nearby safe spaces.

3. Relationships Under Resentful Strain

Interpersonal dynamics bear a heavy burden under the weight of chronic worry, impacting not just the sufferer but also those who stand by. • Increased Tension: Worrying incessantly can make one more irritable and sensitive, leading to unnecessary conflicts in relationships. • Communication Breakdowns: The sheer volume of worry one might be juggling leaves little room for effective communication, causing misunderstandings and distance. • Impact on Trust: Chronic worry can lead to overthinking and suspicion, affecting the trustworthiness of both our perceptions and our relationships.

Nurturing Healthy Connections

Open communication about our worries and the impact they have on our relationships is a starting point for understanding and support. In many cases, professional reconciliation or couples counseling can help repair and strengthen the bonds strained by stress.

4. The Disruption of Daily Life

Anxiety does not rest; it’s a persistent foe that disrupts the natural flow of daily life, day in and day out. • Chronic Worry’s Influence on Productivity: Worrying can lead to a decrease in productivity as one’s attention becomes commonly diverted to one’s fears and “what if” scenarios. • Routines Disrupted: Common routines that once brought comfort may become sources of worry if they don’t go precisely to plan, creating a domino effect of unsettledness. • Stifling Growth and Exploration: The trepidation that comes with chronic worry can gradually erode our willingness to take on new challenges or pursue areas of personal growth, leading to stagnation in our lives.

Reclaiming Control through Routine

While anxiety might disdain schedules, they can serve as an anchor in the tumultuous sea of chronic worrying. Creating and sticking to routine activities can offer predictability and a sense of control, both of which anxiety despises and against which your greatest victories are often made.

5. The Financial Fog and Fear

Anxiety doesn’t turn a blind eye to our financial well-being. The worries extend their tendrils into this aspect of our lives, too. • Impact on Decision Making: Chronic worrying can cloud our judgment, leading to less deliberate decision-making, especially when it comes to financial choices. • Job Security Concerns: Fear can lead to a preoccupation with job security, prompting measures that may not always be in our long-term professional interest. • Exacerbation of Health Costs: The physical toll that anxiety takes also comes with financial ones – increased health care costs, medications, and even an impact on insurance premiums.

Financial Wellness Amid the Worry

Financial planning can serve as a counterbalance to the fiscal fretfulness that often accompanies anxiety. By establishing savings and emergency funds, making informed choices, and seeking financial counseling, we create avenues of stability and control within this sphere that can often seem dauntingly unpredictable.

In Closing

Living with chronic worrying from trauma is akin to navigating a labyrinth with no end in sight. The turnings and twists of anxiety are not easily escaped, but they are often more navigable when we have a map that details the contours of our struggle. Silvia Araya’s commitment to fostering holistic and empathetic healing journeys is a testament to the rich and rewarding path to recovery. By recognizing the ways in which anxiety affects our lives, we demonstrate a level of self-awareness and empowerment that can catalyze the transformation needed to emerge victoriously from the shadow of our worries.



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Silvia Araya has over 15 years of expertise in Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Trauma and numerology.

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